Nursing Home Injury
Deciding to place a loved one in a nursing home or senior care facility is a difficult decision to
make. However, for many people, it is the best option. This is why it is so heartbreaking to learn
that your loved one has been harmed in a home that you chose to keep them safe.
If you discover that your loved one was harmed by a nursing home's neglectfulness or outright
abuse, our legal experts will work tirelessly to ensure you and your loved one receive the full
compensation you deserve.
Our law firm handles all legal aspects when it comes to nursing home injuries. We believe in
helping your loved ones find financial justice for their injuries and suffering.
The nursing facility can be held liable for the physical injuries as well as the psychological
injuries that might have befallen your loved one. Allow one of our expert nursing home injury
lawyers to help you and your family seek legal retribution for the nursing staff’s actions.
What Are Some Examples of Nursing Home Negligence in California
Some common examples of nursing home negligence the facility can be held liable for include:
● Failure to hire qualified or competent staff or follow the proper hiring protocols.
● Failing to keep the nursing facility safe and free from unnecessary hazards
● Staff or facility failure to follow all health and safety policies.
● Failure to keep the facility up to code regarding cleanliness practices.
● Staff neglects to provide required medical treatments
● Staff neglecting the needs of your loved one, which resulted in severe injury or even
● Staff’s failure or willingness to provide your loved one with their required dietary needs or
follow dietary restrictions.
● Ignoring bedridden or disabled residents resulting in the development of bedsores or the
worsening of their current condition.
● A facility’s failure to prevent the spread of illnesses or infectious diseases by not
following quarantine practices or offering the proper vaccinations.
● The facility fails to report or punish neglectful, incompetent, or abusive nursing home
staff members.
What Rights Are Nursing Home Residents Entitled To?
There are certain rights and standards all nursing home residents are entitled to. In fact, there
are Federal nursing home laws that are designed to protect the safety and dignity of residents
living in retirement facilities. These include:
● The right to self-determination which states residents have the right to make their own
decisions regarding their day-to-day lives.
● A fundamental right to a dignified existence which states all residents have the right to
be treated with respect in an environment that is free from neglect, abuse, unnecessary
restraints, misappropriation of property, etc.
● A right to raise grievances against the nursing facility or staff without punishment or
● The right to be fully informed about the type of healthcare they are receiving, including
all potential risks that may accompany said treatment.
● A right for residents to manage their own financial affairs, which includes obtaining
information about the costs the nursing home is charging your loved one.
How to Recognize the Signs of Nursing Home Abuse or Neglect
Your best defense against nursing home neglect or abuse is to be on the lookout for the
warning signs that this behavior is taking place. Keep an eye out for signs of:
● Neglect: Nursing home neglect can take on many forms, but the most common include
not providing for residents' nutritional needs, letting residents lay in a soiled bed, not
providing residents with exercise or mental stimulation, the facility does not keep living
conditions sanitary, staff ignores the resident's medical needs, etc.
● Physical abuse includes hitting, punching, kicking, throwing, lacerating, or causing other
physical harm to the residents.
● Sexual abuse: This includes any unwanted sexual acts, touching, or forced exposure to
● Financial abuse: When the nursing home staff takes money or property from the resident
either by force or manipulation.
● Emotional abuse: Including isolating residents, humiliating them, insulting the residents,
or not allowing them to take part in activities.
Sadly, many nursing home residents experience cognitive decline, so they cannot always speak
up for themselves or alert someone that they are being abused or neglected.
Now that you have an idea of the types of neglect and abuse that can occur to someone living in
a nursing home, here are some warning signs that your loved one may be a victim.
● You noticed that your loved one is under or over-medicated.
● You spot bedsores forming on your loved ones' body.
● You find soiled linens when visiting.
● The environment of the nursing home is completely chaotic.
● Your loved one’s appearance is unkempt.
● Your loved one appears to be malnourished and/or dehydrated.
● Conditions in the nursing facility seem unsafe, and you notice your loved one or other
residents fall often or seem to have frequent accidents.
● You notice personal items in your loved one’s room missing or unusual financial
withdrawals from their bank account.
How Can I Seek Financial Compensation for My Loved One’s Nursing
Home Injury
Finding out that your loved one was injured because of a nursing home’s abuse or neglect can
be devastating. But you are not alone in this situation. Our law firm’s legal experts are here to
help you and your loved ones get the financial justice owed to you.
Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Nursing Home Injury Cases
Who is Liable in a Nursing Home Injury Case?
The nursing home and facility owner are generally held liable, but depending on the specifics of
your case, the staff at the home can also be held liable.
How Long Do I Have to File a Nursing Home Injury Lawsuit?
The statute of limitations varies from state to state on nursing facility injury cases. Contact our
law firm to learn more about California’s statute of limitations. But keep in mind that it is better to
contact an attorney sooner rather than later so vital evidence for your case does not disappear.
How Much Compensation Are We Entitled To If Our Loved One Was Harmed At a
Nursing Home?
Unfortunately, there is no way of knowing the exact dollar amount your damages are worth
without discussing your case in detail. There are many factors that affect the overall
compensation. Contact our law firm to gain a better understanding of what you are entitled to.

Call For A Personal Case Evaluation
(714) 769-1200