Swimming Pool Accidents
Who doesn’t love relaxing in a swimming pool? Many homes, hotels, and other recreation
centers in California have pools.
While spending time in a swimming pool can be fun, it could also be dangerous. If someone you
know has been injured or drowned in a pool, you need to turn to the experts at our law firm. You
may be entitled to financial compensation if it can be proven that your loved one's accident was
caused by the property owner's neglect or another party's actions.
What Makes Swimming Pools so Dangerous?
A swimming pool may not seem inherently dangerous by the looks of it, but there are a lot of
hazards surrounding it. Listed below are some of the safety risks swimming pools pose to the
general public.
● Slippery surfaces: The areas around the pool are often damp or soaking wet. Wet tiles,
concrete, wooden decks, and even pavement can pose a hazard to those interacting
around the pool. Slipping and falling on a hard, wet surface can lead to severe injury.
● Insufficient safety protections around the pool: Having a pool comes with many risks,
and there are laws and regulations that pool owners must follow to protect others. If the
property owner fails to meet the standards and someone is harmed, they can be held
financially liable for any injuries in or around the pool.
● Electrocution: Many pools have lighting and other electrical components in or around
them. Electrical work that is not up to code or is not properly maintained has a risk of
electrocution and threatens the general public.
● Failing to follow proper pool maintenance protocols: If property owners fail to follow the
proper maintenance procedures to keep their pool clean and safe, they can become
liable for any injuries sustained in their pool.
● Chemical interaction: A vital part of pool maintenance is using chemicals to keep the
body of water clean. If these chemicals are not handled properly, they can become a
hazard to the public.
● Defective pool equipment: While a pool may look like a simple structure, there are many
components to one. If any faulty components are found, they become a danger to those
using the pool.
Different Kinds of Swimming Pool Accidents in California
When people hear swimming pool accidents, they immediately jump to drowning. While
drownings make up a large portion of swimming pool accidents, there are other hazards pools
possess, and different types of injuries are possible. For example,
● Entanglement or entrapment: Swimming pools have all different kinds of equipment,
such as pool pumps, filters, drains, and other parts that pool guests may become
trapped in or even entangled in and be pulled under the water and harmed.
● Accidents around pool slides and diving platforms: Slides and diving boards add an
element of fun to any pool. However, accidents around this type of equipment are very
common. People may hit their heads or suffer injuries when jumping in or sliding into the
● Slip and fall accidents: Again, wet floors surrounding the pool are a slipping hazard, and
if people are not cautious, it is easy for them to fall and injure themselves.
● Drownings: Of course, drowning or near drownings are always a risk factor when
swimming in a pool. Many factors may cause someone to drown in a pool, and young
children are at a particular risk of falling into the pool and being injured.
Common Causes of Swimming Pool Accidents in California
We have already discussed that poor maintenance and faulty equipment in swimming pools can
lead to an accident. But there are other causes of swimming pool accidents one must be on the
lookout for. These include people swimming intoxicated, a lack of supervision of young children,
a lack of signage stating any hazards near or in the pool, insufficient safety precautions,
defective pool products and equipment, and taking on necessary risks and goofing around in the
So, Who Can Be Held Liable for a Swimming Pool Accident?
The question of liability regarding swimming pool accidents will depend on several factors. If the
accident was caused by a property owner's neglectful actions, then you may be able to hold the
property owner legally liable.
Now, keep in mind that pool goers assume some of the risks of swimming in a pool when they
get in. So, the question of whether or not you have a liability case depends heavily on the
property owner's actions. If you or your loved ones' swimming pool accident was the fault of the
property owner, then the liability case becomes stronger.
What Damages Could Be Available to Me After My Swimming Pool
If your swimming pool accident was found to be the fault of a property owner, then you may be
eligible for the following damages.
● Medical expenses associated with your injuries
● Rehabilitation costs if your injury requires ongoing medical treatment
● Loss of income if you missed out on work because of your injuries
● Pain and suffering, including loss of quality of life or loss of companionship, if your injury
has diminished your standard of living or the stress has put too much strain on your
personal relationship
● Punitive damages and legal costs may also be an option for you
● If your loved one passed away due to the swimming pool accident, you may be entitled
to wrongful death compensation
What Constitutes Negligence When It Comes to Swimming Pool
Property owner negligence is a leading cause of swimming pool accidents and drownings. Pool
owners owe visitors using their property a certain level of safety. They must properly maintain
their pool, keep it free from hazardous conditions, and inform pool goers if dangerous situations
arise. Failing at any of these can be categorized as neglect by the property owner.
If you or someone you love has been harmed in a swimming pool accident in California, it is
time to consult a personal injury attorney. Contact us at our law firm today to discuss the
specifics of your case and learn what type of compensation you may be entitled to.

Call For A Personal Case Evaluation
(714) 769-1200