Uber Accidents
Uber has been a staple in the transportation industry since 2009. This service is top-rated in
large states, including California. While Uber is usually a safe option to get from one destination
to another, all too often, accidents can happen.
So, if you have been injured in an Uber accident, you need the help and support of a skilled
attorney with experience in these types of personal injury cases. That is where our law firm
comes in.
Why Are There So Many Uber Accidents in California?
There is no good way to pinpoint the reason for the number of Uber accidents in California. No
one has been collecting data on the causes behind Uber accidents, so there’s no way to say for
However, we can speculate that Uber accidents are caused by many of the same reasons other
motor vehicle accidents occur. Distracted drivers, failure to follow safety protocols when driving,
weather conditions, driving under the influence, and other factors that would be out of the Uber
driver’s control could be causing these accidents.
Other potential causes of Uber accidents may include an inattentive driver. As Uber drivers
often transport people on some of the busiest streets in the country, they must constantly be
alert to changing traffic conditions and avoid participating in unsafe lane changes or taking
illegal or sudden u-turns, driving faster than the posted speed limit or speed that is unsafe for
the current road conditions.
Driving fatigue is more common because Uber drivers are paid by
the number of trips they make, so they often go long hours with little to no sleep. Uber drivers
may also fail to properly maintain their vehicles, drive too close to the car in front of them, and
ignore other traffic regulations.
Essentially, Uber drivers are like the public at large, except that
they drive much more, increasing their risk for car collisions. And they carry the precious cargo
of our loved ones.
It has also been reported that some Uber drivers drive recklessly and aggressively or
experience road rage while transporting passengers.
This is not to say that all Uber drivers are guilty of the above actions. Just that enough of them
have been to cause concerns over Uber-related accidents.
Regardless of the cause of your Uber accident-related injury, as the passenger, you were likely
not at fault. Thus, you may be entitled to financial compensation for your injuries.
Uber’s Legal Classification and Basic Regulations
Uber is classified as a ride-sharing service, and it is not classified as a taxi. While the service is
similar to taxi services, this classification difference means there are vastly different regulations
for Uber.
Taxi services have been around for decades and are well regulated, while ride shares are
relatively new, and the law is still struggling to catch up.
Uber and other ride-sharing services do offer a variety of advantages over taxis. For example,
taxi drivers charge you by the mile versus knowing the exact cost of your ride when you order
an Uber from the app, which is a great advantage to taking an Uber.
However, a disadvantage to taking an Uber is that the drivers do not go through the same
licensing and screening process as other forms of government-regulated transportation, such as
taxi drivers. Legally speaking, Uber drivers are independent contractors and not subject to many
employment laws. This classification also affects the type of insurance they are required to have
to be an Uber driver. So, if you’re injured in an Uber, your driver may not have adequate
insurance to cover your injuries.
So, what are the minimum requirements for Uber drivers and the vehicles they operate?
While taxi drivers and other drivers of public transport have strict regulations, Uber is a little
looser. The following are the minimum requirements Uber has in place for its drivers as of
September 2023.
The vehicle the driver is operating can be no older than 15 years. The Uber vehicle must have
at least four doors and must be in good condition. Uber prohibits commercial branding on the
vehicles Uber drivers operate. Uber requires an Uber decal displayed on the vehicle, and the
vehicle must be inspected within the first 30 days of taking its first Uber trip.
As for the Uber drivers themselves, they must be at least 21 years old or older. Said driver must
have a minimum of three years of driving experience and must have an in-state vehicle insured
under their name and in-state car registration. Additionally, Uber drivers must have a valid state
driver’s license and must have a Social Security number for the Uber background check
Other essential requirements for driving an Uber include a clean driving record with no DUIs or
drug-related offenses, no incidence of driving without a license or insurance, no reckless driving
on the record, no criminal history, and no fatal driving accidents.
Types of Injuries You May Be Able to Request Financial Damages If
Caused by an Uber Accident
There are many serious injuries that can come from any motorized vehicle accident, and Uber is
no different. The following is a brief list of some common injuries from Uber accidents. If you
have sustained any of these below injuries you may be entitled to financial compensation.
● Broken bones are fractures
● Traumatic brain injury
● Head trauma
● Spinal cord injuries
● Internal bleeding or other internal injuries
● Severe lacerations
● Permanent scarring
Discovering the At-fault Party for Your Uber Accident
While you may assume the Uber driver themselves is responsible for your injuries, this may not
always be the case. Sometimes, other at-fault parties may present themselves. The legal team
at our law firm will investigate your accident and help you identify the appropriate at-fault parties
to target for compensation.
Typical at-fault parties An Uber accident cases include:
● Yes, the Uber drivers themselves
● The manufacturer of the vehicle if the vehicle is found to be defective
● A third-party driver who may have struck your Uber vehicle
● The entity responsible for maintaining basic safe road conditions
● Cyclists or even pedestrians if they caused your accident
If, during our investigation, we discover other parties that might have contributed to your
accident, we will advise you on how to move forward.
What Types of Damages Might I be Able to Pursue in an Uber Accident
Being injured in any motor vehicle accident likely comes with many high costs, and Uber
accidents are no different. If you were in an Uber accident and the fault is on another party, you
may be able to seek the following compensation for your injuries.
● Medical expenses: This includes current and projected future medical expenses related
to your Uber accident.
● Loss of income: If your injuries have forced you to miss out on work or other forms of
income you can sue for lost wages.
● Property damage: While you are not the owner of the vehicle, you may have personal
property in the vehicle that was damaged, and you might be able to sue for those
● Pain and suffering: This can include mental anguish, loss of consortium, and even a
diminished quality of living if it’s related to your accident.
● Punitive: In some cases, you may also pursue punitive damages and legal costs.
● Wrongful death damages: If your loved one was severely injured and died because of an
accident in an Uber, you may be entitled to wrongful death damages.
If you or your loved one has been injured in an Uber accident, it is time to seek professional
legal advice. Contact us at our law firm today.

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(714) 769-1200